Saturday, December 11, 2010

Seventeenth Century Literature

As settlers  traveled from England to America not only did they bring their families, but they brought their history and their culture. Bradstreet came to America as a devout Puritan, as most settlers did in this time frame. Most literature from this century reflects the upbringings from a time before America; a time when the Crown and God were the ultimate authorities.

As seen in Bradstreet's work their is a connection to her religion in each of her pieces. She always ties her religion into her poems because of her Puritan beliefs. Her religion was not just about worshiping on certain days of the week, it was her way of life and she always stayed true to it.
There are many famous writers and poets that also reflect their religious views as well as their political views into their works such as William Shakespeare and Alexander Pope. Both men from Europe where Bradstreet was originally from.  

Cowell, Pattie. "Anne Bradstreet (1612?-1672)". Web. 11 December 2010. <>

Finley, Gavin. "Puritan History: Past, Present and Future." 2003. Web. 10 December 2010. <>.

Willem Buytewech. "Merry Company, c.1618". Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest.  Web. 11 December 2010. <>

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