Saturday, December 11, 2010

Success Story

In the seventeenth century it was very rare for a woman to be as successful as Bradstreet was. Fortunately, her family was able to get her works published and circulating throughout their society. It is hard to tell if her works would be as famous and talked about today if she did not have such a well to do family. Unfortunately it was not her works that made her famous in that day and age.

Bradstreet's works were originally passed around by her family. They all enjoyed her poetry and found it very interesting. It was an accident when her first book was published. Her brother-in-law published a book of about fifteen poems that Bradstreet wrote before the age of thirteen without her consent or knowledge. The book was called "The Tenth Muse". She was actually embarrassed of this publishing and sought out to correct it all and publish a new book titled "Several Poems Complied with great variety of Wit and Learning". In this new book she corrected her older poetry to make it more seamless as well as adding new works (Behling).

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