Saturday, December 11, 2010

Who is Anne Bradstreet?

Anne Bradstreet started out as any other woman in the seventeenth century. Luckily she had a very well to do family and was brought up very educated. From a very young age she began reading and enjoying books and poetry. It became her passion. Because Bradstreet was a faithful Puritan woman, she kept to her homely duties and only wrote for fun or as an escape from daily chores, she would even write to deal with the absence of her husband. As she watched her children grow up, she would write poems to them, about them or just about her daily struggles throughout life, and she would entertain her children with these poems.

Bradstreet did not have much self confidence as an author. She did not feel she deserved an audience. You can see how she struggles with this in her poem "The Author to Her Book". She refers to her works as "ill-formed offspring of my feeble brain" (Bradstreet line 1). It isn't until later after her second book is published that she begins to feel more comfortable in her own skin as a writer. 

Poem of Quotes. 2004. Web. 11 December 2010.<>

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